Monday, 17 June 2013

Doc,will my Dick work okay?

I was rapidly becoming the Mayor of the ICU FLOOR. And I now held the equivalent to the key to the city;Authorization to shower in the Doctor's private showers/locker room. It was now the Friday morning of the 2nd week of my residency at BELLVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER and I was transferred to a Step Down room. STEP DOWN  rooms are the most Medically liberal rooms on all of the ICU Floor and the last step before being discharged from the joint.
Upon returning to my new room from what felt like the best shower in the world,I was greeted by friends,Toby and Adam. They surprised me by flying in from LA. A brief break from their band,H20 playing their special brand of HARDCORE music around the world,allowed the boys to help their pal get through the biggest test of his life.Coupled with anticipation of going home in 3 to 4 days,Toby and Adam, dumped a dose PMA (POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE) into the IV that was tapped into my left arm. See, five days prior to suffering from my Dissection,TOBY and I both had the letters LYD (LIVE YOUR DASH) on our bodies. The dash is the space on a TOMBSTONE that symbolizes the years that a individual lives. And now I as fighting to keep mine flowing. WHO WOULD  HAVE THOUGHT?  LIFE is so PRECIOUS and IRONIC!
A few more of Toby's pals swung by and my good friend,Ben Lynn made it a point to use his lunch break to join in on the festivities as well. BY the time,Doctor D and his team made their last rounds before the weekend break,there was a practically a drug/booze free party in Full Effect in my Step Down room. My SUPER Surgeon and his team basically paid me a visit so that they could prepare me for the next 3 months of at home recovery.The Good Doctor crystal clearly explained that  3 months of no activity besides walking, sudden bursts of depression and  a loss of appetite were all to be expected. My Aorta was fixed by starting with an Incision nearby an Artery in my Groin,so naturally,  I was concerned about Sex. Of Course,I bluntly asked,"DOC,will by Dick work okay?"
I guess I was a little surprised to hear,"yes,you'll be just fine down there".Saturday began with Oatmeal with Toby and Adam, followed by two days of visits from various filmmaker/Actor pals, my Brother IN Law  and John Joseph,The toughest Vegan you'll ever know.

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